With an expertise in fine art and deep appreciation for antiques, Kimberly Lamer brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project.

Born and raised in Portland, Kim attended the University of Oregon and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Art History with a minor in Interior Architectural Studies. She subsequently completed educational studies with Sotheby’s in London in 17th and 18th Century Decorative Arts.

Moving to San Francisco in 1989, Kim was engaged by several prestigious showrooms as a textile and furniture sales associate, then in 1992, joined the influential firm of Sanchez/Ruschmeyer & Associates. There she focused on restoration projects for high-end residential clientele, including concept and design development.

Also in San Francisco, at the Scheiber Design Group in 1996, she oversaw both commercial and residential project management for remodels and new construction, eventually making the decision to create her own interior design firm, Kimberly Lamer Interiors, LLC.

Kim Lamer

Kim Lamer

Kim actively keeps pace with the latest trends in the marketplace via the showrooms in Seattle and San Francisco and her many contacts in the industry. She is currently accepting new clients alongside her work for established clients. For a consultation please telephone or email Kim at the numbers below.

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